As Christians, we are called to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ who welcomed strangers and emphasized love, mercy, and justice for all people…

CPC Faith Leaders

A Statement on Trans Inclusion

As ministers of the Gospel, we made a commitment to serve the Body of Christ wherever it is gathered in the Beloved Community. 

To our siblings, sisters, and brothers who are trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive, we say, “You are loved, you are wanted, and you are welcome in the Beloved Community.” No government, no congregation, and no person can decide whether this is true, because God loved you and claimed you as “very good” when They created you (Gen 1:31). We only affirm what God already authorized.

Our ancient and sacred texts are riddled with gender-non-conforming people. Joseph and his amazing princess dress (Gen 37:3 & 1 Sam 13:18-19), Deborah the Prophet (Judges 4), Hathach the barrier crosser (Esther 4), and the man who carried water (Luke 22:10) are just a few of the Bible characters who demonstrate that gender-expansiveness is not novel, but is part of human history.

However, we also confess that the Church has not always been the Beloved Community. The Church has been one of the places of oppression, too often excluding God’s trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive children. In the United States, federal and state governments have enacted programs erasing trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people from government websites and documents, from schools, hospitals, sports, and bathrooms. This is wrong, and it has been done in part because government officials believed the Church would support its actions. 

Therefore we recommit ourselves to being and serving the Beloved Community. We commit to listening to the voices of our trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive siblings. We commit to amplifying their voices when we can. We commit to learning from their experiences. And we commit to changing how we act and how we advocate based on what we learn.

We are committed to a future where the Church is the Beloved Community that lovingly embraces all God’s children, and a future kin-dom where every government on earth respects and welcomes its trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive members.


Clergy and Lay Ministers in the Central Pacific Conference are invited to sign this statement of witness, confession, and commitment to the inclusion of trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people in the Beloved Community. The statement was endorsed by the Rev. Lea Mathieu, Past Moderator, and the Rev. Rob Tulloch, Incoming Moderator, who wrote it with our Conference Minister, the Rev. Tyler Connoley.

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