2024 Annual Gathering Weekend Schedule

Friday-Sept 27

Pre-meeting: Holding space for the weekend led by designated facilitators. [More details to come.]

1pm • Facilitator Preparation
3-6pm • Registration
6-7pm • Dinner
7-9pm • After-dinner program

Saturday-Sept 28

7-7:45am • Breakfast On Your Own
7:45am • Gather and prepare
8am • Board buses, share story of the Cayuse 5 on the bus.
10am • Visit Waiilatpu [Whitman] Mission
12:30 • Lunch together back at Wild Horse
2pm • Tamastklikt Cultural Center and open time for reflection and prayer
5pm • Gathering back at Wild Horse
6pm • Dinner
7pm • Turning towards new horizons for processing and engaging
8:30pm • End in a large gathering all together, centering our collective intentions and bring closure to the emotional day, sharing gratitude for the opportunity, pointing them toward moving that internal energy into intention and/or action.
9pm • Introverts can go back to percolate solo, extroverts can go out for drinks and process together; preparing to return Sunday with an intention and direction for their energy.

Sunday-Sept 29

8:30-9:30 • Breakfast on your own
10am • Worship
11:30 • Boxed lunches & Benediction