Justice & Witness Ministry
The Justice and Witness Ministry Team of the Central Pacific Conference, CPC works with the understanding that our still-speaking God has many voices in many places. Our ministries of Justice, Equity, and Inclusion encourage congregations in the CPC to work ecumenically with faith and non-faith communities. Working with justice-seeking community-based groups in many different sectors is fundamental to our learning the words, ways, and works of a Creator God in the world.
Creating Justice based public policy is fundamental. Our team seeks to involve the CPC in the work of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, the Faith Action Network in Washington State, and with ecumenical public policy advocacy networks in Idaho.
There are 4 ministry networks associated with the CPC Justice and Witness ministry:
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Network
Climate Action Network
Racial Justice Network
Healthcare Ministry Network
Ministry Team Chair Contact
Rev. Tara Wilkins, BridgeportUCC, Chair, Email
Justice & Witness Ministry Team members
Mike Huntington, Corvallis UCC
Paula Sohl, Ashland UCC
Ed Keener, Boise First UCC
Sharon Ericson, Parkrose UCC
Beth Pfeiffer, Eugene UCC
Molli, Mitchell, Bridgeport UCC
Niki Manley-Smith, Bethel-Beaverton UCC
Mo Manley-Smith, Bethel-Beaverton UCC
Are you interested in serving on the Committee on Ministry team? Read the Position Description for members HERE and let us know HERE.
Do Justice, Seek Peace, Build Community
Justice and Witness Ministry shall encourage the conference and local churches to engage in direct action as prophetic voices for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.
Our Vision
Help local churches and their congregants identify and examine all facets of justice, peace, and environmental issues affecting their communities, and facilitate discernment of the Creator God’s persistent invitation to act in response to these issues.
Offer the local churches and their congregants the information, resources, training, models, and frameworks for direct action. Raise awareness throughout the conference of issues, events, and calls for action.
Lift up and celebrate the justice and peace activities and programs being carried out by the local church and its individual members.
Assist local churches and their congregants to understand that engaging in direct action is a way to grow and live their faith.
Justice and Witness Award
The CPC Board of Directors established a permanent Conference award for Outstanding Achievement on behalf of Justice and Witness. The award recognizes both clergy and laity who have significantly contributed to Justice and Witness ministries within the Central Pacific Conference and the United Church of Christ in general. To submit a nomination for the Justice and Witness award, please email your completed form to chair, John Boonstra, johnboonstra@msn.com. If you have any questions, please email to the same address.
Justice and Witness and Local Church Ministries Grants
In collaboration with Local Church Ministries, Our team offers up to three CPC commissioned grant awards each year of $1,000 for justice projects that are initiated by local churches partnering with one another to do innovative local and regional work. Grant applications and further information is available from the Justice and Witness (Beth Pfeiffer, bpfeiffer@ses.psr.edu) or the Local Church Ministries (Jennifer Seaich, revjennifers@gmail.com) teams.
Justice & Witness Ministry Networks
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Network
ONA Conference Consultant: Jessica Shine
The Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) Network serves all the churches in the Conference, to assist them in welcoming lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons into the full life, leadership, and ministry of the church. The Network publicizes resources and opportunities available at the local, regional, and national levels. It informs member churches of opportunities for witness and advocacy in the community, including legislative hearings and Pride festivals.
Does your church want to become Open and Affirming (ONA)? Your first step is to obtain an ONA Starter Kit from the national UCC Open and Affirming Coalition here.
Check out the resources from the national UCC Open and Affirming Coalition here.
Subscribe to RIPPLES, the Coalition’s free newsletter here.
Racial Justice Network
The Racial Justice Network provides resources, accountability, and support to engage all settings of the conference – including and especially local churches – in the racial justice ministry.
Our work answers a call from the Conference to engage in anti-racism education and accountability as outlined in the Resolution Declaring the Central Pacific Conference is Called to Be An Anti-Racist Conference.
In January of 2020, after a half-day training and retreat, the CPC Board decided to add "Be and Anti-Racist Conference" to our Mission Priorities, recognizing that we put our money and time into the things that we state are priorities. In the fall of that same year, at the urging of a mission partner who observed we are not yet anti-racist but are striving to become anti-racist, the Board changed the Mission Priority to "Become an Anti-Racist Conference."
The Board and Ministry Teams continue to live into this priority. In mid-2020, the Board and COM committed to including anti-racism education and reflection at every one of their meetings. We have reinvigorated our Nomination Subcommittee with an attempt to bring more transparency into the nominations process. And each Ministry Team has begun to accept the call of JWM and the Anti-Racism Network as presented in the 2017 resolution passed by the Annual Gathering.
In November 2021, the Board approved a multi-year phased plan to live more fully into this Mission Priority. The plan began in 2022 with an audit of our Board, Staff, Ministry Teams, and practices, in conjunction with Consulting By Design, an Oregon-based consulting agency. The next phases will include making changes based on what we learn from the audit.
For more information, visit the Racial Justice Network Facebook group.
Climate Action Network
For the next steps that you and your congregation can take, go to: In a climate crisis world, what is the church for?
The mission of the CPC Climate Action Network: To create an effective communication network among members of CPC churches who will work together to address climate change from a faith perspective within our region.
The Climate Action Network will educate and engage its members in shaping public policy in keeping with God’s vision of a just and loving society that seeks to protect and mitigate the warming of our global climate. It supports education, direct action, collaborative programs of local and regional projects and work at local and regional levels to promote energy sustainability and environmentally friendly stewardship.
Our work is grounded in the call to environmental justice and stewardship of creation, consonant with historic UCC witness, and formed by a biblical understanding of prophetic ministry on behalf of those who are being adversely affected by climate change.
Healthcare Ministry Network
The Healthcare Ministry Network promotes the movement for universal healthcare, and invites you to join its discussions and actions. The CPC Health Care Network invites all congregations to join the fight for universal health care as a faith-based moral movement. We encourage ways to share ideas and explore activities that will lead us to universal health care. We assist congregations in forming a health ministry team and engage in the movement.

J&W Resolutions Approved by CPC Annual Gathering
Metolius River - Image by Al Krause
Approved resolutions submitted by the Justice and Witness Ministry Team during CPC Annual Gatherings:
Approved by UCC General Synod 33, submitted by the CPC
2017 No Resolutions were submitted
Resolution Declaring that the CPCUCC is Called to Be an Anti-Racist Conference

Learn More about Our Ministry Teams
Oregon Coast - Image by Tyler Connoley