Wider Church Ministry
The Wider Church Ministry Team (WCM) strengthens and encourages global, ecumenical, and interfaith partnerships with the Conference and its congregations. We support the Conference and its members in developing relationships with a wider church that is global, multiracial, multicultural, open and affirming, and accessible to all. The CPC Palestine-Israel Network (CPC-PIN) is associated with the WCM ministry. If you are interested in serving on the Wider Church Ministry team, please contact:
Ministry Team Contact
Rev. Andrea Cano, Ainsworth UCC, Chair, Email
Judith Rinehart-Nelson, Beavercreek UCC
Jeanne Randall-Bodman, Kairos-Milwaukie
Ken Krause, Corvallis UCC
Ann Muir, Kairos Milwaukee UCC
Steve Gilliland, Hillsboro UCC
Are you interested in serving on the Committee on Ministry team? Read the Position Description for members HERE and let us know HERE.
WCM Ministry Team Mission Statement
Vision: Extending God’s unconditional love, mercy, and justice throughout the world.
Mission: Wider Church Ministries Team seeks to encourage and assist the churches of the Central Pacific Conference and their members as they reach out in mutual relationships of mission and ministry with those beyond the four walls of the church in the local community, the nation, and the world.
Activities and duties of the Wider Church ministry team include:
promotion of community development in matters of justice and health
articulation of issues of human rights
sponsorship of relief/rehabilitation work trips
immersion ministry trips
CPC Palestine-Israel Network
A vital ministry network is the CPC Palestine-Israel Network (CPC-PIN). The CPC-PIN works to widen commitment and participation for justice in Palestine - Israel. This network provides news, reflections, denominational programs, resources for our Conference, and shares opportunities for education, travel, partnerships, and advocacy on behalf of the Holy Land.
We welcome new members to join us at our monthly gatherings. To learn more, or to join CPC-PIN, please contact our chair, Catherine Alder, email
Philippines Partnership/International Coalition of Human Rights in the the Philippines (ICHRP)
The CPC has had a long relationship with the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Mindanao Jurisdiction. We have sought to live out our commitment to justice in the Philippines by partnering with the Portland branch of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP). Recently, folks from across the country attended a virtual pilgrimage to the Philippines and learned from partners about Filipino history and culture, Filipino theology, and the political situation on the ground in Mindanao.
If you would like to join us in learning with and from our partners in ICHRP and in the Philippines, please contact Steve Gilliland email.
Wider Church Resolutions Approved by CPC Annual Assembly
Smith Rock, Central Oregon - Image by Nancy Cook
Approved resolutions submitted by the Wider Church Ministry Team during CPC Annual Gatherings:

Learn More about Our Ministry Teams
Willamette River - Image by Jim Crane