CPC Board of Directors
The CPC Board of Directors are elected each year during the Annual Gathering. The Nominating Committee strives to have representation from all geographic sectors of the Conference. Officers of the Board, also elected at the Annual Gathering, are the Moderator, Moderator-elect, Immediate Past Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer. Other members represent Conference ministry teams: Local Church and Educational Ministries, Wider Church Ministries, Justice and Witness Ministries, and Committee on Ministry. Filling out the membership of the Board are at-large members from across the Conference. Conference Staff also attend but do not vote. Meetings of the Board of Directors are open for attendance by any member of the Conference.
Financial reports and updates are presented at each board meeting, along with reports and recommendations from the Conference Minister. Ministry Team representatives provide program reports for information purposes and general coordination by the Board where necessary. Legal and contractual matters are handled by the Board or, when appropriate, delegated to the Conference Minister.
To contact the CPC Board of Directors, email Debbie Jacober at centralpacific@cpcucc.org
Are you interested in serving on the CPC Board of Directors?
Read the Position Descriptions for members HERE.
If interested, please contact the Nominations Team Chair, Rev. Catherine Allard, email
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Phil Owen
Rev. Lea Mathieu
Gene Parker
Rev. Andrea Cano
Wider Church Ministries
Rev. T
Chair & Board Rep for Justice & Witness Ministries
Jeff Pratt
Cecil Prescod
Local Church/Education
Terri Wyborny
Committee on Ministry
Caroline Zaworski
CA & Outdoor Ministries
David Thoma
Member at Large
Ginger Redlinger
Member at Large
Katy Knight
Member at Large
Cynta Butts
Member at Large