Employment Opportunity at Camp Adams!
Transitional Camp Director Needed
Date of Job Posting
Position Needing to Be Filled
Transitional Camp Director
Name of Camp or Retreat Center
Camp Adams
City and State where the camp/retreat center is located
Molalla, Oregon
Job description
Owned and operated by the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ for over 80 years, Camp Adams is a youth camp and nature retreat with a proud history of environmental conservation and education. The camp is a vital and well-integrated mission arm of the conference, valued and supported by the CPC Board, Conference Minister, and the recently-formed Camp Adams Ministry Team.
Thanks to a unique funding strategy that preserved a large portion of the forest, and allowed sustainable forestry on a smaller portion, Camp Adams remains on sound financial footing despite two years of pandemic-interrupted camping. The camp facilities are well-maintained, and the camp has a well-designed summer curriculum that can be built on by the next director.
We are looking for a Transitional Camp Director who can lead the camp through a time of discernment for a Settled Camp Director. Salary range is $50,000 with full benefits and housing. The transitional director will be eligible for this settled position.
Current Executive Director Job Description can be found here:
We will also be looking for an Operations Manager, and would be open to hiring a team. That position is budgeted at $24,000 without benefits. The job description can be found here:
Over 80% of the CPC Churches are Open and Affirming, and LGBTQ+ applicants will be enthusiastically welcomed.
Camp Adams Web Site:
Central Pacific Conference Web Site:
Directions for interested applicants
Interested applicants may send a resume or profile to Tyler Connoley at 575-956-3316 or tyler@cpcucc.org.