Important Camp Adams Announcement

We have some news that will be difficult to read. After many lengthy conversations with Ministry Team Leaders about what is possible for this summer, Natalie and I have determined we need to make major modifications to the Camp Adams summer camp program to ensure a quality and safe experience for both campers and volunteers. We’re still working out some of the details, but wanted to let you know as soon as possible, since it will affect your summer plans.

The big change is that Exodus, Sojourners, Discoverers, and Genesis/Seekers sessions will not run as originally scheduled, but we’re modifying the rest of the schedule to accommodate as many camp activities for as many age groups as possible.

Here’s Our Current Plan:

June 30-July 3
Taller & Smaller will run as scheduled.

July 7-10
Limited programing for Exodus and Sojourners. We have not determined exactly what this will look like, but hope to have at least one overnight experience for Exodus, as well as one overnight experience for Sojourners. These experiences will also include time in the water.

July 13-14
Day experiences for families each day, with time in the water.

July 19-20
Day experiences for families each day, with no water activities.

July 26-27
Day experiences for families each day, with no water activities.

July 28-31
A modified version of Taller & Smaller that is open to children who have finished 3rd to 6th grades. Campers will need to be accompanied by an adult to attend, but a small group of campers (such as a family unit) can attend with one adult.

Note: More information about all these sessions and how to register will be available on the Camp Adams website within the next few days. Those who are currently registered for camp (including volunteers) will receive further information about changing registrations and receiving refunds by the end of the business day on Tuesday.

We know this schedule change will have a major logistical impact on Camp Adams families and will disappoint the campers who have been looking forward to the summer. We share your grief and disappointment. However, the changes will ensure that we’re offering a quality and safe experience for both campers and volunteers with the resources we have available. We also believe the change this summer will set us up for much more successful summers in 2025 and beyond.

Some Background: In re-opening camp after the pandemic closures, all camps have had a difficult time returning to pre-pandemic staffing levels. Finding camp staff with the right skills, certifications, and season-long availability has been a challenge for many summer camps across the country and is not a problem unique to Camp Adams. Without enough trained and certified camp staff, we have had to increasingly rely on a patchwork of passionate volunteers to carry the weight of the camp season. Last summer’s camp programs put a particularly heavy strain on both camp staff and volunteers, and as we approached this summer with an even wider gap in camp staff coverage, it became increasingly clear that moving forward with camp as scheduled would put an unmanageable burden on the people tasked with making camp a fun and safe experience.

Looking toward Summer 2025 and Beyond: We have already made adjustments in our camp planning to avoid running into the same staffing problems we’ve seen for the past few years. With the changes we’ve made, we’re certain camp will return to a full-season, six-day camp format in 2025.

We continue to be incredibly grateful for the health and vitality of our beloved Camp Adams, for the wisdom and passion of an excellent Camp Adams Ministry Team, for a dedicated CPC Board, and for you the vibrant camping community. In an environment where many camps across the UCC are looking at closing entirely, we’re glad we can provide opportunities for all ages to experience the  forests and streams of Camp Adams.

 We promise to build on the strengths we have so that Camp Adams will still be welcoming people into God’s creation in the decades to come.

Tyler Connoley, Conference Minister
Natalie Lucker, Camp Adams Executive Director


June Message from Conference Minister - Tyler Connoley


Ecclesiastical Council for Mark Lindberg