The Passing of Miriam R.Richer

It is with sadness that we announce the death of Miriam R. Richer of Silver City, NM, from a fall in her home on April 11th. Miriam was a dear friend and family-of-choice to our Conference Minister, Tyler Connoley. She was a lifelong and fierce champion of justice and fairness, but always hoped people would remember her humor more than her anger. She spent her career as a social worker, and cared deeply for those she believed others had forgotten. She was also an extravagant lover of animals, especially cats, and will be deeply missed by the stray cats that lived in her neighborhood.

Tyler will be traveling to Silver City in early May as executor of Miriam's estate, and will be working from New Mexico during that time. Your prayers are welcome as Tyler grieves this loss. 


April Message from our Conference Minister - Tyler Connoley


The Installation of Rev. Jennifer Ruth Lynn Garrison