New CPC Clergy Compensation Guidelines

The Central Pacific Conference Committee on Ministry is pleased to announce that the conference Board of Directors has approved newly revised and enhanced CPC Clergy Compensation Guidelines. This content is now available on the CPC website along with other important clergy compensation related resources.

You can access the COM Resources page through the Committee on Ministry page under the Ministries drop-down menu at, or directly under the CPC Resources drop-down menu, also on the homepage of the CPC website.

COM Resources Page

Equitable compensation for our clergy is a key part of our covenant together. These tools can be used when calling a new pastor, annually reviewing clergy compensation at the time of an annual review, or the building of a church budget.

 Goals of this revision:

·      Make clergy compensation information comprehensive and self-serve.

·      The ability to easily update data over time, with the long-term goal of annual updates, rather that every 4-5 years.

·      Provide information for all three states we cover, rather than just for Oregon.

·      Provide the information in simple, yet thorough, language in for a broad audience.

·      Provide a simple tool for anyone to use in the calculation of compensation and/or the easy development of different compensation scenarios. (Hopefully no calculator or no hair loss necessary!)

About this revision project process:

·      A sub-committee of COM convened last Summer and began reviewing clergy compensation information from UCC Conferences, gathering/evaluation of job data* and review of the existing CPC guidelines. 

o   Huge thanks go out to Jeff Pratt, CPC Treasurer and the architect of the interactive spreadsheet, and to Judy Davis, Treasurer at White Salmon. We had a small, but very effective team.

o   Thanks also to Russell Ware, CPC Communications Strategist, for making our vision for web accessible content a reality.

·      Once the information and writing phases were complete, the content was sent for review to:

o   3 CPC clergy

o   3 CPC church Treasurers

o   Representatives of MESA in the national setting

o   Tyler and COM co-chair, Becky Martin

*The job comparison data we used were:

·      Non-profit Executive Director

·      General “Pastor” category

·      Elementary School Teacher

·      School Principal


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