We need to keep the beat going! - Friends of the Conference Appeal

If you’ve been a part of a drum circle, you know how it goes. A few people keep a steady beat, and others move in and out around them. The sound wanes as some people get tired or stop playing to take a sip from their water bottle. The rhythm swells and changes as someone improvises over the heartbeat, and others join in. The imagination and the music is possible because someone carries the beat, providing that steady container for play.

I’m grateful for the people who continue to hold the beat providing the container for community in our Conference and in our Churches. I’m grateful for the Committee on Ministry who regularly make contacts with ministers providing support and accountability. I’m grateful to the leadership in our Ministry Teams who keep moving the needle toward justice for lgbtq+ people, for people on the margins, for our non-human siblings in creation, and for our siblings in Palestine and the Philippines. I’m grateful that our leaders never stop showing up to do our antiracism work. I’m grateful to all of you who give regularly to Friends of the Conference.

You may have noticed things are little quieter in our churches and conference right now. We’re in a season when some folks have stopped drumming, perhaps they needed to take a drink or take a pause. Just like that drum circle, when the music wanes we need that steady drumbeat, so we will have the container to imagine and improvise together and swell the music again.

That’s why I’m asking you to give to Friends of the Conference today, whether you’re giving as part of the steady drumbeat that holds the container, or adding to the music and improvisation. 

Tyler Connoley
Conference Minister
Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ


Registration is now open for the 2023 CPC Annual Gathering!


Bs Still and Go - 2023 Annual Gathering Call Letter