CPC Blog

Month of Prayer - Week 4
This week, please join with the Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister for Kansas and Oklahoma, in praying for all our conference staff.

Month of Prayer - Week 3
This week, please join with the Rev. Dr. Courtney Stange-Tregear, Conference Minister for the Pacific Northwest Conference, in praying for our local churches, our associations and conferences, and and our covenanted partners.

Month of Prayer - Week 2
This week, please join with the Rev. Tyler Connoley, our Conference Minister for the Central Pacific, in praying for all our authorized ministers.

Weekly Prayer in January
In January, you’re invited to pray together with our siblings from the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ, the Kansas Oklahoma Conference/UCC, and the Pacific Northwest Conference, United Church of Christ.

Downtown Portland & WyEast/Mt. Hood - Image by Tyler Connoley