Celebrating the Life of Charlie Ross

Charlie Ross passed away on June 7, 2024.
January 7, 1937 - June 7, 2024

Our faith in Jesus Christ reminds us of the great comfort we have in knowing that there is something beyond the mortal life we live here on earth. Regardless of the great hope that brings us, it is still difficult for those of us who are left behind. In that spirit, we ask that we all surround Charlie’s daughters, Tammy and Valerie, and their families as they move into this next season of their lives.

A celebration of Charlie’s life has been scheduled for September 14 at Vancouver United Church of Christ.

Vancouver United Church of Christ
1220 NE 68th St. Vancouver, WA 98665
September 14 •  2pm


CPC at Portland Pride Festival


June Message from Conference Minister - Tyler Connoley