Responding to the Assaults on Our Trans and Nonbinary Siblings

Dear Siblings, Sisters, and Brothers in Christ,

When we became an Open & Affirming Conference in 1993, we created a covenant with one another that declared our ministry to be inclusive of those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Our covenant was not meant to be a passive statement of intent, but rather a dynamic proclamation of sanctuary and advocacy. Today, more than ever before, we need both.

Our transgender and nonbinary siblings are under attack. A mobilized, systematic strategy of erasure has gained momentum across the country. A record number of anti-trans bills (428 as of this writing) have been introduced, ranging in scope from making drag illegal to eliminating students from using their chosen bathrooms and pronouns to censuring teachers from being safe harbor for LGBTQ students. Anti-trans hate may have always existed, but we have not seen this level of dramatic organized violence in our lifetimes. Even the New York Times has been called out by more than 200 of its contributors for anti-trans bias.

The Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ stands with our transgender, nonbinary, masculine-of-center, gender-fluid, and gender-queer siblings. You are a divine gift. The kin-dom of God is not complete without your presence. You matter to God, and you matter to us. The current anti-trans movement is an abomination and must not be tolerated in any form. We love you.

If you are a minister in any setting in the Conference, please make a public statement affirming the transgender and nonbinary community. Use every opportunity you have to affirm the presence of our gender-queer siblings in public spaces. This Easter, you could remember to lift up the story of the “man carrying water” who provided the room for the Last Supper. 

We ask all members of the Conference to use your voices to reach out to public officials, identify yourselves as people of faith, and declare your objection to anti-trans laws and regulations. We cannot keep silent. Our silence sends a message of approval. Our voices matters “for such a time as this” (to reference a biblical phrase spoken in the voice of trans person).

We also invite you to get educated about the movement toward erasure and to work against it by increasing visibility of your support for trans and nonbinary persons, donating money to organizations like the ACLU, Basic Rights Oregon, Equal Rights Washington, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the National Center for Transgender Equality, or the UCC Open & Affirming Coalition, and staying engaged politically to be influential where possible.

We cannot allow a systematic strategy of intentional erasure to be implemented. We need you to be the Church God needs for this place and this time. 

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Tara Wilkins
Chair-Justice & Witness Ministry Team

Rev. Tyler Connoley
Conference Minister


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