Rev. June Boutwell Comes to Camp Adams as New Transitional Camp Manager

We're excited to announce that our Transitional Camp Manager for Camp Adams will be The Rev. June Boutwell. I’ve attached a short bio and photo of her below.
Sometimes the Spirit moves in the timeline the Spirit wants, and I believe God sent us June exactly when we needed her – but not a minute sooner. In June and my initial conversation, she said, “God often calls me by using a two-by-four to the head. Today might be one of those days.” She and I had been scheduled for a get-to-know-you lunch, simply because she was a minister moving back to the conference, and that very morning before she left the house, June had received the broadcast email from the CPC asking folks to please forward the Camp Adams posting to friends. The timing seemed like God telling her to pay attention. What I didn’t tell June was that the email was supposed to have gone out weeks earlier, and through a series of mishaps hadn’t been sent until that morning. Sometimes God’s timing is not our timing.
It was after that lunch conversation that June officially applied, and after reading her experience, talking to her references, and spending time with her as we walked around Camp Adams last Friday, I became certain God sent her our way at just the right time.
Please be kind with June and the rest of the Camp Adams staff and volunteers, as she and they have a lot of work to do to get camp up and running this year. We hope to have a full summer camp schedule, and to be able to accommodate our CPC churches that want to camp, but it will require grace and fortitude on everyone’s part.
We’re also still looking for a Facilities Manager, so send any candidates you can our way.
As always, thanks for being the church for this place -- and for this exact time.

The Rev. June Boutwell, now a member at Ainsworth UCC, began her ministry in Central Pacific Conference 25 years ago as a second career pastor. She served in Wilsonville, Hillsdale, and Bethel Beaverton. She left in 2000 to take a UCC national staff position with the portfolio of youth, young adult and outdoor ministries. She left national staff to serve a Conference interim position in Maine. Since then she has served as interim and settled local church pastor in California, Maine and Pennsylvania. In addition to Maine, she has also served as Conference staff in Southern California Nevada and Southeast Conferences. She is delighted to be back at Camp Adams where she had previously served as summer program director and on the camp program committee for Central Pacific Conference. She was previously the Executive Director of Pilgrim Pines Camp and Conference Center, a ministry of the Southern California Nevada Conference United Church of Christ. She is of Japanese-American ancestry and the mother of two adult sons. Her interests include reading, puzzles, good food, travel, baseball, and NASCAR.


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