CPC Blog
Registration is now open for the 2023 CPC Annual Gathering!
Be Still and Go - CPC Annual Gathering 2023
September 22-24, 2023
First Congregational UCC 700 Marion Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
We need to keep the beat going! - Friends of the Conference Appeal
Just like that drum circle, when the music wanes we need that steady drumbeat, so we will have the container to imagine and improvise together and swell the music again.
Bs Still and Go - 2023 Annual Gathering Call Letter
Registration opens for Be Still and Go - The 2023 Annual Gathering of the Central Pacific Conference of the UCC on August 25!
URGENT Camp Adams Volunteer Needs!
Camp Adams needs kitchen volunteers on Monday and Tuesday and Saturday volunteers to help with cleaning and grounds upkeep. Please call or text June Boutwell, Camp Manager at 503-718-1145 or email at campadamsed@cpcucc.org.
The CPC at Portland Pride THIS Weekend!
The CPC has had a long-held tradition of participating in Portland Pride weekend to show our LGBTQIA+ siblings and their allies that God loves them and we do too! It’s a wonderful opportunity to take our Open and Affirming “light” out from under a bushel and shine it widely. Plus, everyone is so friendly and welcoming. It is such a great time!
Summer camp directors and the camp manager will be available by Zoom to answer any questions you may have about summer camp.
Camp Adams Workday THIS SATURDAY: June 3
Looks like it's going to be mid-high 70's with little to no precipitation and plenty of sun. Come have fun in the sun at Camp Adams!
Camp Adams Workday THIS SATURDAY: June 3
Help us get our camps ready for summer. Your help is needed!
Employment Opportunities at Camp Adams
There are a number of positions that need to be filled to make camp a success this year!
READY, SET, GO WORKDAY, June 3, 2023 - All are invited to come to Camp Adams on June 3 for our Ready, Set, Go Workday!
Register for Summer Camp at Camp Adams
It’s not too late to register for summer camp!
Meet the new Camp Adams Facilities Manager - Alaquinte MoonFeather
Camp Adams is pleased to welcome Alaquinte MoonFeather as our new facilities manager.
2023 Justice Summit - Trans and Nonbinary Belonging in the Church
This is an in-person/online hybrid event, including a workshop with Central Pacific Conference, United Church of Christ Conference Minister, Rev. Tyler Connoley:
Responding to the Assaults on Our Trans and Nonbinary Siblings
The Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ stands with our transgender, nonbinary, masculine-of-center, gender-fluid, and gender-queer siblings. You are a divine gift. The kin-dom of God is not complete without your presence. You matter to God, and you matter to us.
Rev. June Boutwell Comes to Camp Adams as New Transitional Camp Manager
We're excited to announce that our Transitional Camp Manager for Camp Adams will be The Rev. June Boutwell. I’ve attached a short bio and photo of her below.
Disaster Readiness
None of us are ready for every emergency, but we can get ready for some, and then get ready for more. I’m challenging each of our churches to Get Ready, Set, Go! on your emergency preparedness.
Employment Opportunity at Camp Adams!
We are looking for a Transitional Camp Director who can lead the camp through a time of discernment for a Settled Camp Director.
Month of Prayer - Week 4
This week, please join with the Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister for Kansas and Oklahoma, in praying for all our conference staff.
Month of Prayer - Week 3
This week, please join with the Rev. Dr. Courtney Stange-Tregear, Conference Minister for the Pacific Northwest Conference, in praying for our local churches, our associations and conferences, and and our covenanted partners.
Russell Ware Joins the CPC as Communications Strategist
Russell Ware comes to the Central Pacific Conference bringing extensive experience with marketing and communications both in the non-profit and commercial sectors.
Downtown Portland & WyEast/Mt. Hood - Image by Tyler Connoley